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Our Story

Inspired by the project Cosmic Sister and the notion of psychedelic feminism, one courageous womxn made a call to gather Berlin based womxn curious to share about their personal narratives, and interest and knowledge regarding their psychedelic experiences. The group of womxn who responded to the call came from a diverse range of backgrounds and pathways. Since that first meeting in October 2017 in Berlin, the community has been growing organically and has been shaping spaces in a self-organized manner in line with our needs. We are excited to continue building this story and welcome everyone to be a part of it.

The organizing team of Psychedelic Agora are womxn who actively take part in organizing and facilitating activities and contribute to the visibility of our community. We are always welcoming new womxn to the organizing team who are willing to share their ideas, time, energy, inspiration or other resources within our self-organized community.

Organizing Team

I’m a Berlin based musician, herbalist and teacher. In my work I strive to carve vocal paths to strengthen individuals and collectives by harnessing the power of connected singing and nourishing herbs. My lifelong passion for plants has lead me to psychedelics, who in turn have opened my eyes to new modes of communicating life’s essence. I have been blessed to become part of Psychedelic Agora, and am honored to co-create with this group of inspiring Womxn. Recording under the stage name Xufa, I release music that resonates these altered states of consciousness while striving to reach hearts and minds.


I am a designer and artist and explore creativity, spirituality, and technology through music, dance, and art. My journey with entheogens and psychedelics led me to align with my inner calling and wisdom, allowing me to express my Self with honesty and intentionality. I am very grateful to be part of the Psychedelic Agora community where I first hand witness the strength of the collective and for all the support, knowledge, and love that is shared.


I am a trans non-binary artist concentrating on experimenting with video and co-producing electronic and healing music. Currently I am learning to become a vocal sound healer to share the immense healing that sound-making has gifted me with. Psychedelic work has helped me to connect to my true core which is were I operate from. Yet, everything I create comes from the plant and animal energies around me and is simply brought to consciousness through my intuition. I am beyond grateful to experience this life in loving community and am excited to see the fruits that will come out if it.


Psychedelic Agora has been my family of choice. I experience Agora encounters as deeply moving as they always invite me to compassionately keep on (re)connecting with my true Self. The words are not enough to express my gratitude for this community and a sense of belonging they reflect to me. I am passionate about an exploration of healing modalities such as kundalini yoga, somatics, dreamwork, breathwork and mindfulness practices. The wisdom of psychedelic medicine has shown me that as a human being I am here to recognize, share and manifest my gifts for the benefit of individuals, society and the Mother Earth.


I am an eARTh prACTitioner and gender non-binary womxn. I research the intersection of dance, decolonization and climate justice. I facilitate embodied climate justice workshops, and create art and medicines to heal the disconnection between humans and with Earth. I feel so grateful to be able to experience the world through my body, and I see expanded states of consciousness as integral to reconnecting with my inner wisdom, plants, and spirit. I dance along the spiral path of healing to expand into wholeness and connection.


My journey exploring the beauty and divine that lies within and beyond our daily perceived reality has brought me into a deeper relationship with not only entheogens, but also mother earth, teachings from nature-based ancestral cultures, to the path of love and compassion, of nondual tantra yoga, and of self-inquiry, to the practices of ontological coaching, and to Psychedelic Agora, a sisterhood that has gifted me nurturing and nourishment to grow and heal and contribute in return. Along the way, I've learned how these momentary, yet profound experiences of expanded states of consciousness, sparked by whatever modality, not only deserve, but require, attention and care in how we incorporate them into our lives. I believe this work is critical for us to come back home into harmony and connection with ourselves, community, nature, and beyond, a place where our wild and authentic selves can come free-flowing out. As Ram Dass said, 'we are all just walking each other home', and as I walk, I also offer to go alongside others with integration coaching.


I am a massage therapist, a visual artist and designer and a devoted servant of our Mother Earth. The explorations of psychedelics and expanded states of consciousness have helped me immensely on my life journey and continue to inspire my work and actions every day. Through this work I have found a deep and healing connection to myself, nature and fellow humans. I am forever grateful for my Psychedelic Agora family for walking on this path with me and supporting me along the way.

  • Facilitating conversation around expanded states of consciousness and psychedelic medicine for the growth of a collective wisdom that benefits individuals and beyond;
  • Building a culture where we can come together as a community and share and witness each other - share our stories and subjective narratives, learn from one another, support and walk each other home;
  • Cultivating and co-creating supportive playgrounds for conscious exploration through different modalities with an aim to ground ourselves, to journey into spiritual realms and to integrate these explorations;
  • Inspiring each other to care about ourselves, our fellow humans and mother nature, and empowering each other to be unapologetically our authentic selves;
  • Sharing valuable educational resources around expanded states of consciousness that support(ed) us on our journeys.
Values Guiding Our Actions

Equally as resources in nature are to be approached in a reciprocal manner in order to keep on enriching our lives indefinitely, at Psychedelic Agora we are guided by the idea of reciprocity in our self-organized community. We share responsibilities among each other, contribute with various types of resources, share and receive gifts to support each other's growth. In our actions we are guided by the awareness about social injustices and cultural appropriation and values of non-hierarchy, transparency, fluidity and peer support.

Our work honors the womxn and healers that have come before us. Since we are situated within the European context, we honor the deaths of the many womxn murdered during the witch hunts and the wisdom that was lost because of it. Through embodied practices, we try to re-member this wisdom present in our bodies and to reclaim it within this cultural paradigm.

Further, we acknowledge and respect the healing and transformative powers of expanded states of consciousness and integrate them into our lives to shift our way of living, being and showing up in the world. We reflect deeply on how we exist on this planet and in relation to one another. We try our best to listen deeply, to share from our heart with love and compassion and to honour the expression of vulnerabilities in a confidential way. In our honouring of nature we celebrate life and its beauties, and share joys of being humans.

We do NOT promote, encourage or condone any type of illegal activities. Participation in our activities is voluntary and participants’ identities remain anonymous.

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