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Psychedelic Integration Circle for Womxn

Integration Circle


19:00 - 21:00


The sun is back and so are we 🙂 ❤
Inviting all womxn to this month's integration circle - a chance to come together and support and nourish each other, ourselves, and the sprouts that we are nurturing as we start to come out of winter and burst into spring.
Whether you would like to address things from recreational or ceremonial journeys, intentional or unplanned, from recent experiences or from decades ago, brought on by psychedelic plants or substances or no substance at all, or if you are just plain curious about it all, we welcome you to join us 🙂

TO RESERVE A SPOT: e-mail We will send the details of location after you reserve your spot.
Number of participants for this event is limited to 10.

Q: I haven’t had a psychedelic experience recently, can/should I still join?
A: Yes! Sometimes things can come up from and connect to experiences that took place years ago. As well, we have been going through quite a psychedelic time so there may be something that comes up from that 🙂

Q: I’m not sure I feel like sharing anything, but I’m interested in participating.
A: Feel free to come. If you don’t wish to speak and share, that’s perfectly ok too. This is about listening, being present and learning, as much as it is about sharing and speaking 🙂

Circle Logistics:

This integration circle is donation based; anything you are able to contribute is greatly appreciated. We use all of the funds for future venue rental and for organizing future events. Suggested sliding scale for the donation is from 5 to 15 EUR, but no one will be turned away.
*This circle will be for womxn only but we plan to hold some open circles in the near future. Thank you for your understanding.

More about Integration and our Integration Circles:

After intense, profound, and/or moving experiences in which we possibly access and connect to certain truths or realities or parts of ourselves, the important and oftentimes challenging part comes, of incorporating those insights and parts of ourselves accessed into our daily lives instead of letting them fade off like a distant dream.
Integration comes in all shapes and sizes, varying by person and context, but we have found the support and power of the circle to be undeniable. Wherever we may be on our path, gathering in circle offers a time and space for us to come together and walk alongside each other in support - to be seen, heard, witnessed, and to share our stories and together, weave a collective remembering and wisdom.
Whether you are working with or wish to explore something that has come up from an experience with an entheogen (psychedelic/plant medicine/drug) or from these psychedelic-like pandemic times or simply wish to come and be present, we welcome you to our bi-monthly integration circle.

About Psychedelic Agora:

We are a collective of womxn* who have been gathering regularly in Berlin since October 2017. We have a shared interest in the exploration of expanded states of consciousness and in the healing potential of psychedelic medicine. We are devoted to creating safer spaces for conscious explorers who value personal and collective healing and transformation, who believe in the transformative power of expanded states of consciousness, and who seek community for connection, healing and weaving collective wisdom.
This project does NOT promote, encourage or condone any type of illegal activities and is completely based on a voluntary participation.
Participants’ identity will remain anonymous. The project is based on the idea of sustainability and will therefore not engage in any type of profit-oriented activities.

*women of all racial, cultural, gender identities and sexual orientation including but not limited to QueerLesbianBiTransInter

With Love,
Psychedelic Agora

EVENT: Psychedelic Integration Circle for Womxn

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